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The coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is the defining global health crisis of our time and the greatest challenge we have faced since World War Two.


We want to assure you that Cognet Occupational Safety & Health is fully committed to the safety and health of our trainers and our learners whilst attending the classroom-based training in this critical time.

As a result, we have developed specific policies and adopted the most stringent safety measures in line with the latest government guidance.

The return to practical training

Based on the review of government guidance and other information relevant to the current coronavirus pandemic affecting the UK, we have commenced COVID-19 SAFE TRAINING practical sessions. To support our clients with maintaining adequate paediatric first aid and first aid provision during COVID-19, we are thoroughly committed to ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of our clients and learners. We are also dedicated to protecting our amazing, hard-working trainers and support staff.


Staying Covid-19 Safe during practical training

  • Our trainers are equipped with sanitising and disinfection cleaning materials and fully prepare the room and training equipment prior to and after use
  • We have carried out a thorough COVID-19 risk assessment on all aspects of training delivery and shared the results with our training team and clients
  • We have strict handwashing, hygiene and equipment cleaning procedures, for both learners and trainers, fully compliant with government guidance
  • We meticulously maintain 2m social distancing in all aspects of the training environment, including during practical scenarios
  • Course documentation such as the attendance register will be completed by the trainer only with no sharing of keyboard and tablets, to manage transmission risk


Safety measures

  • Social distancing

The classroom will be set up in accordance with social distancing measures 2 metres apart at all times.

If you or anyone you live with is exhibiting symptoms typical of flu, a cold or have been in close contact with someone who has the COVID-19

infection then you should exclude yourself from the course. Learners will be expected to maintain 2m social distance at all times, paying particular attention to entering and leaving the room. Where possible, toilets to be used by one person at a time.

  • Hygiene

Prior to the commencement of the training event the trainer will wear disposal gloves and prepare any equipment provided by Cognet OSH by wiping all contact surfaces. For the use of essential equipment highly effective 70% alcohol disinfection wipes will be used by learners prior to and immediately after each use, meaning equipment is sanitised twice between each use. Learners always need to observe a high standard of handwashing, with alcohol gel provided in addition to handwashing facilities.

  • Ventilation

Where possible, the ventilation to the training room is increased by opening windows and/or doors.  The wearing of face covering is only recommended where 2m social distancing is not possible, during specific practical manoeuvres. In the event of a fire, people do not need to follow social distancing to do so would be unsafe.


More safety measures

For COGNET SAFE PRACTICAL TRAINING our health, safety and wellbeing measures go even further. During resuscitation training, we also provide each learner with individual use protective FACE SHIELD which is applied to the manikin by the learner before use and provide a safe protective screen between the learner and the face of the manikin. This allows for safe rescue breaths to be performed and for the learner to practice the essential rescue breaths required for effective cardio-pulmonary resuscitation.